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My artistic work, mainly bi-dimensional and pictorial, is the palpable reflection of my tireless and sickly search for the absolute truth of the reality around me. This has generated the need to abstract myself from my environment and analyze the society in which I live, in a global and generalized way.

I use acrylic as much as oil paint, digital paint and charcoal, always trying to get the most spontaneous representation possible. I often experiment with collage, using legal documents, invoices or receipts, in order to create textures. These documents also speak of a person or fait accompli in a way that is more raw and true that any story, representation or specific point of view on the topic.

For this reason, invoices or receipts, partially or totally covered by paint and not imminently present in the work, reflect the commitment that every human being has, either consciously or unconsciously, to poetize, misrepresent or conceal their reality to make it more acceptable in the eyes of the society to which they belong.